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Pensinasia - Fine Writing Instruments
Pensinasia is a collection of more than a decade of pens, fine writing instruments, and limited edition collectables. Over the past years, I have painstakingly detailed and photographed each pen I have owned, recording down every minute detail within this website. If you are a pen lover like me, you will find Pensinasia to be your definite source of knowledge to fountain pens.

Montegrappa Vatican Silver Fountain Pen

MONTEGRAPPAVATICAN 2000-PAPAL PENPen is newThe collector, pen aficionado and an art enthusiast will appreciate executed writing instrument.It uniquely captures the essence of the past two millennia by depicting the origin of this recorded time.Through the use of intricate engravings, it celebrates and commemorates the foundation for the calendar by which we have achieved and marked this milestone.This pen is numbered and bears Pope John Paul II’s signature as well as the Great Jubilaeum celebration seal. The pen's barrels and caps are overlaid with hand etched sterling silver.925.In a tapestry of images, hand etched on the precious metals of the pen’s both cap and barrel, the cherished values and images of the church are replicated.Rotating the cap in an anti-clockwise direction starting from the clip, one can view the unmistakable -silhouette of St. Peter's Basilica. The name of the engraver's workshop appears afoot accompanied by the pen's serial number. An exclusive image of Pope John Paul II facing the Holy Door at the inauguration of the great Jubilaeum of the year 2000 is central to the cap’s design followed by the official logo of the Great Jubilaeum of the Year 2000's celebrations. Below the logo the Latin inscription "PER CHRISTVM - IN SPIRITV SANCTO - AD DEVM PATREM" (FOR CHRIST - IN HOLY SPIRIT - TO GOD THE FATHER), quoted from the apostolic letter "lncarnationis Mysterium". The bottom of the cap proudly features the signature of the Holy Father, Joannes Paulus II, sealing this edition.The barrel features the Holy Trinity: God The Father (top), Jesus Christ (center) in between Mary and John, the Holy Spirit represented by a Dove (bottom). A multitude of angels surrounds the Holy Trinity, and the four angels near the dove hold the gospels.Technically the Papal Pen represents the latest advances of modern technology. It features a two tone nib crafted of solid I 8K gold tastefully etched to replicate the keys to St. Peter, platinum masked and iridium tipped for smooth writing. These piston fed fountain pens employ state-of-the-art ink feed system which utilizes hand turned ebonite for uninterrupted ink flow, and supplemented by a large ink capacity reservoir. This edition's legacy will endure for future generations for its superior technology, precious materials and its artistic expression.Gift boxed, this writing treasure is presented in a wooden box worthy of holding such an heirloom.Montegrappa is extremely proud to present one of its best achievements to date: the Papal Pen Limited Edition. Merely the features of the instrument alone do not measure its value, but in addition, the moral and physical support it offers to those less fortunate yet part of our society in the coming millennium.Under unprecedented circumstances this series was conceived by the Committee to Aid the Meninos Da Rua and approved by the Vatican "Solidarity Fund for the Great Jubilaeum of the Year 2000". A sum upward of $500,000.00 from the sales of Vatican 2000 Jubilaeum Pen is expected to be raised for this charity. Montegrappa is honoured to be chosen for this project and to be instrumental in the challenge to eliminate world hunger.The Committee to Aid the Meninos Da Rua, presided over by Avv. Massimo Poltronieri, conceived the project tied to the "Papal Pen" that aims to provide concrete aid to the meninos da rua (street's children) in Brazil.To that end, the solidarity Fund for the Great Jubilaeum of the Year 2000 put us in contact with Dom Luciano Mendes de Almeida, Archbishop of Mariana (Brazil) and ex-president of the Brazilian National Conference of Bishops.This priest, very well known and beloved in Brazil, has been involved with the cause of the street children for decades. Dom Luciano, as he is commonly known among the faithful, has gradually established a number of small communities where street children have found sanctuary. Here the street children are not only fed, clothed and taken care of ; this is the real drama : not only are these poor creatures often totally without possessions, including clothing, but in these communities they are also taught, and most importantly, given a means to earn a living. In this manner they begin an educational program that will lead them to become bricklayers, carpenters, smiths, and painters; in short, small artisans able, after completing their apprenticeship, to be independent and to regain their place in society, with the possibility of finding an honest job and the prospect of creating a family for themselves.During these years Dom Luciano's experiments have proven that this is a truly successful formula. In fact, it is necessary to send a strong message to these young children that they are not useless beings, but rather the innocent products of a situation of total human and social degradation. Therefore there is a need to dedicate a few moments to these children before sending them back onto the street, abandoning the again to their own devices. Those who have potential equal to their more fortunate peers must be offered the instruments to aid the development of society independently, thinks to their efforts. Only in this way will the children, during the period when they are participants in the community, be able to express the enthusiasm and the great desire that signify the fulfillment of the program.The experiment at Mariana has been successful. The children have even recently restored a small church that had been abandoned for some time, thereby experiencing in practice how valuable their work can be and feeling how valuable they can be for society.One of the most gratifying things for Dom Luciano has been to see the concern with which the children take care of the box of tools which is given to each one of them at the beginning of the program. This box constitutes the entire patrimony that will accompany them during their lives. This box is their first possession!From this description it is clear that there is a great financial commitment behind this project. In addition to the acquisition of the physical space, buildings to harbor these children have to be obtained, in order to provide housing and board as well as instruction. Such teaching is conducted by real artisans who, considering the time they dedicate to the children and subtract from their own work, need to be remunerated.From this story grew the idea to begin with a passion which unites many collectors around the world - the fountain pen - and to bind it to a particular event: the Great Jubilaeum of the Year 2000,giving it the added value of the possibility of providing, through this acquisition, concrete aid towards the realization of Dom Luciano Mendes's project for the meninos da rua. In this manner an accord was established between the Committee to Aid the Meninos Da Rua and the Committee for the Great Jubilaeum of the Year 2000, through its president cardinal Roger Etchegaray, who was greatly appreciative of the initiative, in accord with the intentions and directives of the Holy Father John Paul II for the Holy Year.In this manner the solidarity Fund gave permission to the Committee to Aid the Meninos Da Rua for the use of the Jubilaeum logo for the production, by Montegrappa 1912, of the "Papal Pen."Total length (cap closed) : 143 mm Total length with the cap posted behind the barrel : 175 mm Barrel diameter: 12 mm

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