Achievement in a Transitional Era opens the Door to a New Era.
A.D.2000, Technology Inherits Tradition and Exquisite Beauty.
A.D.2000 is a special limited-edition fountain pen harmonizing excellent
technology with a wonderful design. This pen has been officially approved by
the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee A.D.2000.
Vatican City was created as a result of the Lateran Treaty signed between
the Vatican Council and the Italian Government on February II, 1929, and is
the smallest independent state.
largest church in the world is found within the Vatican City, along with
museums housing countless outstanding works of art and collections
considered to be the greatest treasure of mankind.

of logo mark
Greek cross is inscribed in a circular blue field that symbolizes the
universe and the need for solidarity.
cross sustains and upholds humanity gathered in the continents represented
by the five doves. The cross is the same color as the doves, signifying the
Incarnation whereby God enters into human history and redeems it. The light
that comes from the center of the design represent Christ, who is the light
of the world.

colors of the logo remind us that joy and peace are an integral part of the
Jubilee celebration.
lettering "IUBILAEUM A.D.2000" on the outer edge of the circle
means "Year 2000 Jubilee". "Christus Heri Hodie Semper"
on the inside of the circle says, "Christ yesterday, today and

elegant shape of the cap emulates the magnificent dome of the Vatican City's
-major landmark, San Pietro. An
emblem featuring the motif of the Commemorative mark of the Central
Committee of the Great Jubilee A.D.2000 shines at the center of the pen
clip, and engraved colored lettering A.D.2000 IUBILAEUM (God's year 2000
Jubilee) highlights the entire design.

On the
body's three decorative rings, an acanthus pattern, which adorns the grand
central door of the Basilica di San Pietro, is expressed by the best
precision-casting technology to make this product even more precious.
The Apocalyptic Twelve,
who control the flow of eternal time, are expressed by precision engraving
technology on the body.

is engraved on the smooth pen nib, which is integrated with the shaft. The
serial number of each fountain pen is printed on the end plug to indicate
that the pen is a special limited-edition product.

Length 147mm
Diameter 13mm
Length w/o cap 132mm
Cap on barrel 165mm