The official ROMA 2000 by Omas will become the first pen
of the Millennium.
Millenio I, Millenio II, Millenio III, significant
events of the I st 1000 and 2nd 1000 years are captured on the pen
bodies of Millenio I and Millenio II, whist abstract design
incorporating the Sun, tile Moon and the Planet are inscribed on
Millenio III.

Millenio I: references the Middle Ages with symbols including a compass,
Viking boat, the Castle of Matilde di Canossa, the crowning of Carlo Magno
and monks hand copying manuscripts prior to the invention of the printing
press. A single spiral wraps around the pen.

Millenio II: most significant sculptured symbols of the 20th Century
portraying transportation, communication and science include a space
shuttle, E=MC2, radio antenna, a locomotive and CoIumbus. A double spiral
wraps around the pen.

Millenio III: a wonderful abstract interpretation of the future including
the sun, earth, moon and stars. A triple spiral wraps around the pen.

The nib is 18K solid gold nib with a special engraving. The clip
symbolizes the three Millenniums in silver. Pens fill from a bottle only
using OMAS' piston fill mechanism.
Jubileum series
Together with these 3 Millennium pens, Omas also produced the ROMA 2000
Jubileum. The Jubileum series include a special production fountain pen,
rolling ball, ball-point and mechanical pencil. In beautiful ROMA-blue, this
is the first 20-faceted resin pen from OMAS - 20 facets for the 20th
century. The clip represents the three millenniums and the band symbolizes
the Coliseum. Authorized by Italy's Roma 2000 Committee, production stopped
end of January 2000. Fountain pen is using OMAS' piston feed mechanism. The
Prototypes were not numbered . In any case, this series were not
individually numbered but were limited too because of the time frame set by
Omas by January 2000.

Fountain pen
The fountain pens have never been used, dipped nor inked. Ball pen,
Roller ball and Machanical pencil have never been used too. Comes with the
box as in the photos. The exact box that was used in those days for show
case. I accept money order, bank draft, wire and also credit cards
(conditions apply). Buyer pays US$20 for freight.

Roller Ball
Remember these are all Prototype !! The retail of the silver pens were at
US$2300 each. The Jubileum series were retail at US$550, US$300, US$220 and
US$220 for the fp, rb, bp and mp respectively.

Ball Pen
Moreover, Millennium II is in Vermeil !! The price is higher for
Vermeil piece. The total retail for the above would be at around US$8690 (asuming
that the vermeil Millenio II were retailed at US$500 more than the silver
piece). But my price for all the 7 pieces are much lesser. Moreover these
were all Prototype !!

Mechanical Pencil