
Special Edition - The Grand Place in Brussels, the world's most beautiful
The breathtaking Grand Place, in Flemish the "Grote Markt", is situated at
the heart of Brussels' old town and is on the UNESCO world culture heritage
list. More than 30 old guild houses with wonderful renaissance and baroque
gable roofs reflect its importance as a commercial centre and the glorious
past of the craft guilds. Together with the delicate gothic design of the
seven storey town hall they form a unique ensemble, the facades of which
recount the history of the city and tell of heroes, saints and real life
satirical stories.
Now Pelikan has introduced you the new special edition for these special
World Famous sites. The special edition impresses with its complex
decoration in casting resin with gently graduated colors, adorned within
gold-plated elements. Each writing instruments has a fascinating and
intricate personality, as unique as the place and name that is carries. It
is elegantly presented in the blue color pen box.
