Great Presentation
1134 A.D. Alfonso I "The Belligerent" King of Aragon and Navarre
died without descendants. His reign was left to two military orders. The
Aragon people rejected the king's will and made Ramiro, the king's
brother, the successor to the throne. He left his monastery and marries
Ines de Poitiers they have a daughter, Petronilla, who is given to marry
Ramon Berenguer IV immediately after her birth.
Following the same example, the Navarre also tried to install their own
king and so the two kingdoms became divided. Aragon and Catalan began
their common destiny. The succeeding centuries saw great battles as well
as a wide variety of alliances. These led to the eventual formation of
Greece, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain.
The territories of the Corona were eventually made part of Spain but
maintained their own, distinct, personality; standing on their own laws.
In 1716, Filippo V removed the Corona's autonomy by decree. The opposition
and all servers to the crown of Aragon were punished and six centuries of
history came to an end.

With ink bottle



Beautiful cap with lots
of silver artwork

Filling Mechanism

18K Solid Gold Nib