As one of the cult figures of the Jazz Age and someone to whom success as a writer came early, F. Scott Fitzgerald lived the American dream of elegance, fame and wealth. Books such as This Side of Paradise, but above all his later novel The Great Gatsby became synonymous with fashionable society life in the glamorous Twenties. Yet Fitzgerald's work was not without scepticism or cynicism, for he described the people around him with critical distance, while also engaging deeply with them. In this way he painted a subtle picture of both the glamour of the period and the decadence that was to be his undoing. Every new age has its own idols, but Fitzgerald's novels and short stories have become part of world literature and remain a dazzling portrait of this extravagant epoch.
marbling white colour barrel with some parchment tinted colour.
are New
Pens are
new and never been used. Neither dipped nor inked for the fountain pen.
Never used for the Ball Pen and Pencil. Comes with original boxes and paper
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wire. Conditions apply for credit card.